Returning to work

By Angela Prichard,

Monday mornings are always a struggle; the alarm goes off too soon, dragging yourself out of bed is a challenge and what you finally decide to wear is the one thing you haven’t ironed! 

The shrill of the alarm feels especially torturous after you have enjoyed the lay-ins and lazy days of annual leave! 

Arriving at work sleepy eyed I thought I’d come to the wrong building when I found reception filled with pumpkins and squashes, ghost lights and spider webs. What a Halloween welcome! 

The Unexpected

By Angela Prichard,

There are tomatoes growing on a balcony on the 2nd floor! 

Of all the possible answers to the question ‘what new with your office?’ that was the response I was least prepared for. ICL have a bounty crop sprouting from their own grow bags with their own fertiliser- and I really wish I liked tomatoes right now! 

It got me thinking though of the unusual things that come and go within the building, like spare parts for an aeroplane or an optical spectrum analyser.

My favourite unexpected item is a space suit that arrived one day- and not just any space suit but the one worn by David Bowie in his 2015 music video- more awe inspiring than the thought it might have gone to space!

Goodbyes and Hellos

By Angela Prichard,

So the seasons are changing around us, there’s a nip in the air and the nights are drawing in.  And it’s not just the time of year that’s changing, the landscape of Epsilon House has too. Lately we have seen change in the meeting room location, the Masterlord team moving up the corridor and Cerebrum moving down the corridor. But most noticeable changes to the faces we say ‘Good Morning’ to. 

We have waved goodbye to Maxine from Axis Electrical, Rachel and Teresa from Clear Selection who are all off to ventures new and we wish them well but with a heavy heart. 

Then we say hello to the team at New Medica and Watson Palmer who have moved in on the ground and first floor. We say hello to Maren and Lauren who are joining Hurren and Hope and to Adam joining Twopointzero. 

We welcome back Sarah who has returned to Propeller from her maternity break and have marvelled how fast that time went! Yet have also waved farewell to Chloe who has left Model to have a baby- and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy 3 days later!