Student Life are a multi- award winning lifestyle publication for students, written and curated by students. Through the print publication and accompanying short films they offer a fabulous opportunity for students to gain experience and knowledge of the print and digital production process.
They also provide an important voice for students across Suffolk tackling the stigma and stereotypes surrounding mental health, body image and bullying.
In 2019 they are co-delivering a self-harm awareness project with the Ipswich & East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and the West Suffolk CCG. Together they will be delivering an interactive workshop to Suffolk schools and colleges, delivered by students and featuring young peoples’ real life stories of self- harm.
A fabulous service and we are excited to welcome Student Life to the building.
I find New Years a little like Monday mornings- they come around too fast!
The year has started well with reception returning from its brief spell under the stairs to the fully repaired front- which felt huge, just like it did when we first moved into this space seven years ago.
That thought made me gasp- has it really been seven years since the expansion? In answer yes it has and over ten years since our doors first opened.
In business the focus is always ahead, the next plan, the next step, the next campaign. With your gaze focused one way it’s easy to forget how far you have already travelled. Having taken a moment to reflect back over the years has highlighted how much Epsilon House has evolved.
In the beginning, and yes I do remember back that far, we provided serviced and virtual offices along with meeting room hire. Over the years this has expanded to include the storage containers, hot desking area, executive suites and business lounge. We can even arrange for your clothes to be dry cleaned!
Our newest venture is into the world of Co- Working, where space is shared. It is popular in London and other cities around the country and its appeal is spreading.
Co- Working offers a flexible and lower cost alternative to renting an office allowing users to focus on building their business.
With this focus in mind we have tailored the service to what we believe gives users the most benefit.
Co- Working with us provides you with a desk and lockable pedestal solely for your use, you also receive a business address and use of the communal areas and reception services, we can even provide a business telephone number if required.
Co- Working is an innovating direction that we are excited to be moving in to this year.