Autumn Update
The wonderful, colourful season of autumn has arrived! Bringing with it a chill in the air and trees adorned with leaves of reds, yellows and browns.
It’s the time to pull out the winter woollies, thick tights and boots and to tuck into pies and stews- personally for those reasons alone I love autumn!
We have had reason to celebrate this month to mark Abi’s 2-year anniversary since joining the team. Of course, we had to have cake – with the addition of a sparkling candle!
Unrelated to cake- but while I have your attention – just a small reminder that while postage can still be arranged through reception, cash payment is required at point of sale.
Halloween is just around the corner and we will be decorating reception accordingly, maybe even leave the car at home and ride the broom! clocks go back on Sunday 27th Oct.