Spring at Epsilon House

By Angela Prichard,

Spring at Epsilon House



Spring has arrived and the roundabout is blooming with colour. The roads have lost half their users as schools close for the Easter break and the sun is in the sky from early till late, what a difference that makes!


Here at the house the electric car charging ports are up and running, as are the new solar panels on the roof. We have already replaced the single use plastic cups for glasses throughout the building and recycle as much as possible- caring for the environment in any way we can.


Thank you to all who donated an Egg for Mackenzie King’s Easter Egg appeal, there was quite a pile of eggs collected that are now on their way to benefit Suffolk Mind, St Elizabeth’s Hospice and Lighthouse Women’s Aid.


The London Marathon will soon be upon us and Kieron from Cerebrum Systems is running in aid of Dementia UK. Not an easy challenge to undertake and we wish him the very best for his very long run!

To donate here is the link to his Just Giving page. The London Marathon is taking place on Sunday 28th April.

Every Little Helps

By Angela Prichard,

With all the news at the moment its hard not to get bogged down about the environment but every little helps so we are pleased to be able to open the 6 new charging pods on the Masterlord Office Village.

Located in the Car Park in Epsilon House, It is a great start to making a conscious effort towards going greener.

EV sales set new records in 2018. The UK has enjoyed a record year for electric vehicle sales, with almost 60,000 plug-in models sold during 2018.

We used Pod Point for our installation and we couldn’t recommended them enough!